Deletes an existing replicate article (or articles) from a specified subscription.
If ASE Replicator creates a replicate table when a replicate
article is created, ASE Replicator deletes the replicate table in the
replicate database when you delete that replicate article.
sp_dropreplicateart sub_name [, rep_art]
is the name of the subscription to which the existing article belongs.
is the name of a replicate article. Replicate article names can be specified in the form
sp_dropreplicateart subdoc, reptable1
Deletes the replicate article reptable1 in the subscription subdoc.
Before you invoke sp_dropreplicateart, you must suspend the subscription using sp_suspendsub. After the replicate article is deleted, you can resume the subscription using sp_resumesub.
When sp_dropreplicateart is invoked with only a subscription name (sub_name) specified, all replicate articles in the specified subscription are dropped.
When sp_dropreplicateart is invoked with both a subscription name (sub_name) and replicate article name (rep_art) specified, the specified replicate article in the specified subscription is dropped.
If any replicate articles subscribe to a primary article, you must drop the subscribing replicate article before you can drop the primary article from the associated publication.
When the requested action occurs successfully, no results are returned.
When an error occurs, an error message is returned.
sp_addreplicateart, sp_dropprimaryart, sp_dropsub, sp_helpreplicateart, sp_helpreplicateconn, sp_helpsub