Sample log records

The example in this section shows log records from a server start-up attempt. The example uses these conventions:

The sample log file is as follows:

DirectConnect 15.0 B
Copyright(c)2000, Sybase, Inc.
INTEL x386 Windows 5.1 (2600)
(CRS 85.0) OPT 7-May-2007 13:29:55
*** Initial configuration for: [SRVNAME] ***
--- CreateSrvcCfg = yes
--- DefQueueSize = 1024
--- DefaultServerLanguage = us_english
--- Description = The DirectConnect server.
--- IsDCDirector = no
--- MaxConnections = 42
--- NetBufSize = 2048
--- OSCodeSetConvert = no
--- IntfFilePath = D:\SYB-15_0\DC-15_0\connectivity 		\ini\sql.ini
--- OSCodeSetConvert = no
--- RemoteSites = 4
--- ServiceRedirectionFile = 
--- SSLEnabled = no
--- SSLServices =
--- SSLTrustedCertificateFile =
--- LogFileName = 
--- LogFileSize = 500000
--- LogWrap = yes
--- LogFlush = no
--- LogToScreen = no
--- LogClientLogin = no
--- LogClientMessages = 17
--- LogCapabilities = no
--- TraceAsync = no
--- TraceEntryExit = no
--- TraceFileName = 
--- TraceLogMessages = no
--- TraceOther = yes
--- TraceToScreen = no
--- TraceOpenServer = 0
--- Trace_osClient = no
--- Trace_smConfigAccess = no
--- Trace_smConfigManager = no
--- Trace_smConfigProperty = no
--- Trace_smConnection = no
--- Trace_smLocaleFile = no
--- Trace_smMsgCollection = no
--- Trace_smServer = no
--- Trace_smService = no
--- Trace_smSvclib = no
--- Trace_SOstreams = no

Service Name Redirection not requested.
*** The following localized message files were found:
--- D:\SYB-15_0\DC-15_0\Connectivity\locales\unicode \econnect\english\server.lcu
--- D:\SYB-15_0\DC-15_0\Connectivity\locales\unicode \econnect\japanese\server.lcu
Open Server specified language.charset [us_english.iso_1]Service Manager active language.charset [us_english.iso_1]Calling srv_init().  Set LogOCOSMessages=1 for more verbose errors if startup halts here.init License SYSAM2Sysam MesageID: 131228 Severity: 60 Using licenses from: D:\SYB-15_0\DC-15_0\Connectivity\\..\..\SYSAM-2_0\licenses;D:\SYB-12-6_1\SYSAM-1_0\licenses\license.datSysam email notifaction enabled
Loading service library file: D:\SYB-15_0\DC-15_0\Connectivity\..\svclib\admin.dll[ Search String ::--::__:: ]/DirectConnect Admin Service/15.0/B/INTEL x386/Windows 2000 SP4/005/OPT/May  7 2007 13:43:51*** Initial configuration for: [srvname] ***--- Description = The administrative service library.*** The following localized message files were found:--- D:\SYB-15_0\DC-15_0\Connectivity\locales\unicode\econnect\english\admin.lcu--- D:\SYB-15_0\DC-15_0\Connectivity\locales\unicode\econnect\japanese\admin.lcu*** Initial configuration for: [srvname] ***--- Description = The administrative service used by DirectCONNECT Manager.Service loaded: [srvname]Successfully initialized service library: srvnameLoading service library file: D:\SYB-15_0\DC-15_0\Connectivity\..\svclib\dcany.dll[ Search String ::--::__:: ]/DirectConnect Anywhere Access Service/15.0/B/INTEL x386/Windows 2000 SP4/005/OPT/May  7 2007 13:19:13Sysam MesageID: 131281 Severity: 100 Failed to obtain 1 license(s) for DC_ECDA feature from license file(s) or server(s).Sysam MesageID: 131074 Severity: 100 Invalid license file syntax.Sysam MesageID: 0 Severity: 100 Feature: DC_ECDASysam MesageID: 0 Severity: 100 License path:  D:\SYB-12-6_1\SYSAM-1_0\licenses\license.dat;D:\SYB-15_0 -Sysam MesageID: 0 Severity: 100    \DC-15_0\Connectivity\\..\..\SYSAM-2_0\licenses\*.licSysam MesageID: 0 Severity: 100 FLEXnet Licensing error:-2,413.  System Error: 2 ""Sysam MesageID: 0 Severity: 100 For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,Sysam MesageID: 0 Severity: 100 available at failedLicense failed for type ECDA, See log for detailsCould not load service library: D:\SYB-15_0\DC-15_0\Connectivity\..\svclib\dcany.dll!READY! Waiting for connections.	Log Manager Process Process ID(in decimal) = 3476 ------------------ End of Header -------------------- 

Following are explanations of the log record entries, by line number:

Table 7-4: Explanation of log record entries by line number

Line number

Log record entries


A mnemonic indicates the build or version of the library that was linked with the executable.


The server name appears in the brackets.

8 - 27

The start-up values for the server configuration properties are listed.


The system sends log records to the log file but not to the current window.


An indication whether service name redirection is to be used, and if so, the path to the file that was loaded.

29 - 30

The localized message files found for the server and the supported locales are shown.

31, 39

Each access service library module installed in the \DC-15_0\ServerName\svclib subdirectory is loaded in a specific order.


The access service library properties are listed. In this example, the [Shutdown] access service library does not have configurable properties.

33 - 34

The initial configurations of the enabled access services associated with the access service library are listed. In this example, the [shutdown] access service defines one configuration property: EnableAtStartup.


An indication that initialization for the specified access service is complete.

36 - 37, 50 - 51

The localized message files found for the associated access service library and the supported locales are listed.


An indication that initialization for the specified access service library is complete


In this example, [ServiceB] was loaded but not enabled, nor is it able to receive connections. This is noted by the lack of an initial configuration listing (initial access service configuration is always output when the access service becomes enabled). Because this access service was not enabled at start-up, you can only enable it by using DirectConnect Manager.


An indication that server initialization is complete. Clients can now connect to any enabled access service