Connection cache ping

This feature allows you to test the cache configuration to verify that connections can be made using the supplied parameters. To ping, the connection must be installed in the server that the Adaptive Server plug-in is connected to. If you have just installed the cache or changed any settings, refresh the cache before testing it.

To test the cache with Ping:

  1. Open the Installed Connection Cache folder under the EJB Server icon where the cache is installed.

  2. Right-click on the icon of the cache you want to ping.

  3. Choose File | Properties.

  4. In the General tab of the Connection Cache Properties dialog, click Ping.

  5. The Adaptive Server plug-in reports whether the connection attempt succeeded.

If Ping fails, check the message text for a description of the problem. The server log file may contain additional information about the cause of the error.

If you change the cache properties to correct the problem, you must refresh the cache before testing again.