Stub classes act as proxies for an instance of the EJB component. You can generate EJB stubs for components that are implemented in any of the EJB Server supported component models.
To generate Java source files for stub classes:
Highlight a component to generate stubs for all interfaces and types required by a component.
Select File | Generate Stubs/Skeletons. The Generate Stubs & Skeletons dialog box displays.
Select the Generate Stubs option and the Generate Java Stubs option. Enter values in the Stubs fields as follows:
Java Version Choose Java 2.0 if any home interface has finder methods that return java.util.Collection.
Java Code Base Enter the top-level directory path where generated files should be created.
The path must be valid. It can include a drive and as many directories as you want. You can use %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_EJB% (Windows NT) or $SYBASE/$SYBASE_EJB (UNIX) to specify subdirectories within the EJB Server installation directory, for example:
Other variable substitutions or shell aliases such as “~” to indicate your home directory are not allowed.
If you specify a relative path, such as myclasses, the path is interpreted relative to the EJB Server $SYBASE/$SYBASE_EJB/html/classes directory.
Click OK.