A resource factory is an object that you use to create resources. You can assign a logical name to a resource factory in the deployment descriptor.
A resource-ref element defines a single resource factory reference. This code sample defines a reference to the resource factory that implements the DataSource interface:
<resource-ref> <description> Data source for the database in which the Employee enterprise Bean records transactions </description> <res-ref-name>jdbc/EmployeeAppDB</res-ref-name> <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type> <res-auth>Container</res-auth> </resource-ref>
A resource-ref element contains:
res-ref-name Resource reference name used in the application’s code.
res-type Resource Java datatype that the application expects.
This code sample obtains a reference to the resource factory that implements the DataSource interface, and uses that reference to get a database connection (resource):
// Obtain the initial JNDI context Context initContext = new InitialContext(); // Look up the resource factory using JNDI javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) initContext.lookup (“java:comp/env/jdbc/EmployeeAppDB”); // Get a database connection java.sql.Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
For information about using the Adaptive Server plug-in to add and configure resource references in EJB components, see Chapter 6, “Working with EJB Packages and Components.”