Marks the successful ending point of a user-defined transaction.
commit [tran[saction] | work] [transaction_name]
When Adaptive Server receives the commit transaction command, it notifies Component Integration Services, and Component Integration Services attempts to commit work associated with remote servers involved in the current transaction.
Before committing work on remote servers, each server is sent a prepare command, according to its DTM capabilities (DTM-enabled, pre-DTM, no-DTM). If all participants respond with no error, a commit is sent to all participants, again according to their DTM.
Multiple remote servers can be involved in a single transaction, each with its own unit of work, which is associated with the Adaptive Server unit of work.
Remote work is committed before local work. If the remote servers do not respond, or respond with errors, the transaction is aborted, including any local work.
Work performed by transactional RPCs must be part of an explicit transaction.
transaction_name is currently not used by Component Integration Services.
files are not part of transaction management. They cannot be committed or rolled back.
directories are not part of transaction management. They cannot be committed or rolled back.
commit in the Reference Manual