drop index


Removes an index from a table in the current database.


drop index table_name.index_name 
 [, table_name.index_name]...


Server class ASEnterprise

Component Integration Services forwards the following drop index syntax to a remote server configured as class ASEnterprise:

drop index table_name.index_name

Component Integration Services precedes this statement with a use database command since the drop index syntax does not allow you to specify the database name.

Server class ASAnywhere

Server class ASIQ

Component Integration Services forwards the following drop index syntax to a remote server configured as class ASIQ:

drop index table_name.index_name

Component Integration Services precedes this statement with a use database command since the drop index syntax does not allow you to specify the database name.

Server class direct_connect

Component Integration Services forwards the following drop index syntax to a remote server configured as class direct_connect:

drop index table_name.index_name

Server class db2

Component Integration Services forwards the following drop index syntax to a remote server configured as class db2:

drop index index_name

See also

drop index in the Reference Manual