

Reads text and image values, starting from a specified offset and reading a specified number of bytes or characters.


readtext [[database.]owner.]table_name.column_name
text_pointer offset size 
[holdlock | noholdlock] [readpast]
[using {bytes | chars | characters}]
[at isolation {
	[ read uncommitted | 0 ] | 
	[ read committed | 1 ] |
	[ repeatable read | 2 ]| 
	[ serializable | 3 ] } ]]


Server class ASEnterprise

Component Integration Services forwards the following syntax to the remote server when the underlying table is a proxy table:

readtext [[database.]owner.]table_name.column_name
 text_pointer offset size
[using {chars | characters}]

Server class ASAnywhere

Handling of the readtext statement is the same as for ASEnterprise.

Server class ASIQ

Handling of the readtext statement is the same as for ASEnterprise.

Server class direct_connect

Server class db2

readtext is not supported since text and image datatypes are not supported for servers in class db2.

See also

readtext in the Reference Manual