Use sp_addserver to add entries to the sysservers table for the local server and for each remote server that is to be called. The sp_addserver syntax is:
sp_addserver server_name [,server_class [,network_name]]
server_name is a unique name used to identify the server.
server_class is the type of server. The supported server classes with the types of servers that are in each class are described in the following sections. The default is server class ASEnterprise.
network_name is the server name in the interfaces file. This name may be the same as server_name, or it may differ. The network_name is sometimes referred to as the physical name. The default is the same name as server_name.
You can specify the network_name in the following additional formats:
For more information, see “Connecting to remote servers without the interfaces file”, and sp_addserver in “Chapter 1, System Procedures” in Reference Manual: Procedures.