The Sybase DirectConnect data access servers are Sybase's middleware building blocks for connectivity between LAN-based clients and enterprise data sources. Using a DirectConnect data access server simplifies the integration of non-Sybase replicate databases into a Sybase replication system.
You can use a DirectConnect server on its own to connect directly to a database server. The DirectConnect server acts as an Open Server gateway by interpreting the Open Client/Server protocol used by Replication Server to the native communication protocol used by the non-Sybase replicate database.
Sybase provides DirectConnect data access libraries for the following data sources and database servers:
AS/400 (UDB and DB2)
Microsoft SQL Server
OS/390 (UDB and DB2)
ODBC accessible data sources
See the Enterprise Connect Data Access Service Options User's Guide for Access Services or the Enterprise Connect Data Access and Mainframe Connect Server Administration Guide for DirectConnect for more information about DirectConnect data access servers.