The DSI scheduler can use transactions names to group transactions for serial processing. When creating a transaction on Adaptive Server, you can use the begin transaction command to assign a transaction name.
If the transaction name partitioning rule is applied, the DSI scheduler assigns transactions with the same name to the same executor thread. Transactions with different transaction names are processed in parallel. Transactions with a null or blank name are ignored by the name parameter. Their processing is determined by other DSI parallel processing parameters or the availability of other executor threads.
This partitioning rule is available to non-Sybase data
servers only if they support transaction names.
By default, Adaptive Server always assigns a name to each transaction. If a name has not been assigned explicitly using begin transaction, Adaptive Server assigns a name that begins with the underscore character and includes additional characters that describe the transaction. For example, Adaptive Server assigns a single insert command the default name “_ins.”
Use the dsi_ignore_underscore_name option with alter connection to specify whether or not Replication Server ignores these names when partitioning transactions based on transaction name. By default, dsi_ignore_underscore_name is on, and Replication Server treats transactions with names that begin with an underscore in the same way it treats transactions with null names.