Several function-string classes are provided with Replication Server. These are called system-provided classes.
rs_sqlserver_function_class – default Adaptive Server function strings are provided for this class. The default function strings in rs_sqlserver_function_class are identical to those in rs_default_function_class. rs_sqlserver_function_class is assigned by default to Adaptive Server databases you add to the replication system using rs_init.
You can customize function strings for this class. However, this class cannot participate in function-string class inheritance. In most cases, using derived classes that specify rs_default_function_class as a parent class is preferable to using rs_sqlserver_function_class directly.
rs_default_function_class – default Adaptive Server function strings are provided for this class. The default function strings in rs_sqlserver_function_class are identical to those in rs_default_function_class.
You cannot customize function strings for this class. However, this class can participate in function-string class inheritance. In most cases, using derived classes that specify rs_default_function_class as a parent class is preferable to using rs_default_function_class directly.
The system-provided function-string classes rs_default_function_class and rs_sqlserver_function_class contain
default function strings for all system functions except rs_dumpdb and rs_dumptran.
If you need to use function strings for these functions you must
create them yourself in a derived class or in rs_sqlserver_function_class.
rs_db2_function_class – DB2-specific function strings are provided for this class. See “Creating class-level translations” on page 310 in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for more information about using this class.
To allow rs_db2_function_class and other function-string classes to work, issue the following commands:
alter connection to dataserver.database set dsi_sql_data_style to 'db2'
alter connection to dataserver.database set dsi_cmd_separator to ';'
The rs_writetext function string of rs_db2_function_class was changed to “output none.” rs_db2_function_class does not support replication of text or image data. To achieve this functionality, customize the rs_writetext function string using the RPC method through a gateway.
You cannot customize function strings for this class. If you require DB2 function strings, using derived classes that specify rs_db2_function_class as a parent class is preferable, in most cases, to using this class directly.
rs_informix_function_class – Informix function strings are provided for this class. You cannot customize function strings for this class. See “Creating class-level translations” on page 310 in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for more information about using this class.
rs_mss_function_class – Microsoft SQL Server function strings are provided for this class. You cannot customize function strings for this class. See “Creating class-level translations” on page 310 in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for more information about using this class.
rs_oracle_function_class – Oracle function strings are provided for this class. You cannot customize function strings for this class. See “Creating class-level translations” on page 310 in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for more information about using this class.
Table 2-1 illustrates function-string inheritance relationships for these and other classes.