You can obtain information about existing functions, function strings, and function-string classes in your system using stored procedures in a Replication Server RSSD.
Refer to Chapter 6, “Adaptive Server Stored Procedures,” in the Replication Server Reference Manual for more information about these stored procedures.
rs_helpfunc displays information about system functions and user-defined functions for a Replication Server or for a particular table or function replication definition. The syntax is:
rs_helpfunc [replication_definition [, function_name]]
rs_helpfstring displays the parameters and function-string text for functions associated with a replication definition. The syntax is:
rs_helpfstring replication_definition [, function_name]
rs_helpclass lists all function-string classes and error classes and their primary Replication Servers. The syntax is:
rs_helpclass [class_name]
rs_helpclassfstring displays the function-string information for class-scope functions. The syntax is:
rs_helpclassfstring class_name [, function_name]