Specifying stored procedures and tables for replication

You can use the sp_setreplicate system procedure in Adaptive Server to mark database tables and stored procedures for replication.

You can also use the sp_setreptable system procedure to mark tables for replication and the sp_setrepproc system procedure to mark stored procedures for replication. These system procedures extend the capabilities of sp_setreplicate and are intended to replace it.

See “Using the sp_setreptable system procedure” on page 264 and “Marking stored procedures for replication” on page 331 in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for details.

The syntax for the sp_setreplicate system procedure is:

sp_setreplicate [object_name [, {' true' | 'false' ]]

object_name can be either a table name or a stored procedure name.

The “true” and “false” parameters change the replication status of a specified object. (The single quotes are optional.)