You can use the sp_setreplicate system procedure in Adaptive Server to mark database tables and stored procedures for replication.
You can also use the sp_setreptable system procedure to mark tables for replication and the sp_setrepproc system procedure to mark stored procedures for replication. These system procedures extend the capabilities of sp_setreplicate and are intended to replace it.
See “Using the sp_setreptable system procedure” on page 264 and “Marking stored procedures for replication” on page 331 in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for details.
The syntax for the sp_setreplicate system procedure is:
sp_setreplicate [object_name [, {' true' | 'false' ]]
object_name can be either a table name or a stored procedure name.
The “true” and “false” parameters change the replication status of a specified object. (The single quotes are optional.)
Use sp_setreplicate with no parameters to list all replicated objects in the database.
Use sp_setreplicate with just the object name to check the replication status of the object. Adaptive Server reports 'true' if replication is enabled for the object, or 'false' if it is not.
Use sp_setreplicate with the object name and either 'true' or 'false' to enable or disable replication for the object. You must be the Adaptive Server System Administrator or the Database Owner to use sp_setreplicate to change the replication status of an object.
WARNING! A replicated stored procedure should only modify data in the database in which it is executed. If it modifies data in another database, Replication Server replicates the updated data and the stored procedure.