To start Replication Server in standalone mode, use the -M flag. Standalone mode is useful for looking at the state of Replication Server because the state is static. Standalone mode allows you to review the contents of the stable queues because no messages are being written to or read from the queues.
Standalone mode differs from the Replication Server normal mode in the following ways:
No incoming connections are accepted. If any RepAgent or Replication Server attempts to connect to a Replication Server in standalone mode, the message “Replication Server is in Standalone Mode” is raised.
No outgoing connections are started. A Replication Server in standalone mode does not attempt to connect to other Replication Servers.
No DSI threads are started, even if there are messages in the DSI queues that have not been applied.
No Distributor (DIST) threads are started. A DIST thread reads messages from the inbound queues, performs subscription resolution, and writes messages to the outbound queues.