If you have specified replicate minimal columns for a replication definition, you normally cannot create non-default function strings for the rs_update, rs_delete, rs_get_textptr, rs_textptr_init, or rs_datarow_for_writetext system functions.
You can create non-default function strings for the rs_update and rs_delete functions by embedding the rs_default_fs system variable in the output language template of the create function string or alter function string commands and still use the minimal columns option.
You cannot use any variables, including the rs_default_fs system variable, that access non-key column values in rs_update or rs_delete function strings for replication definitions that use the minimal columns option. When you create such a function string, you may not know ahead of time which columns will be modified at the primary table. You may, however, include variables that access key column values.
See “create replication definition” in Chapter 3, “Replication Server Commands,” in the Replication Server Reference Manual for more information about the replicate minimal columns option.