When Replication Server detects a loss, no further messages are accepted on the connection to the SQM or the DSI.
For example, when RS3 detects an SQM message loss for the RDB database from the PDB database, it rejects all subsequent messages from the PDB database to the RDB database.
To recover the loss, you need to choose one of the following options:
Ignore the loss and continue, even though some messages may be lost. You can use the rs_subcmp program with the -r flag to reconcile primary and replicate data.
To run rs_subcmp, see “Subscription comparison procedure”. See also Chapter 11, “Managing Subscriptions” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1. Also, refer to Chapter 7, “Executable Programs,” in the Replication Server Reference Manual for more information about rs_subcmp command.
Ignore the loss, then drop and re-create the subscriptions.
Recover by replaying transactions from off-line logs (primary Replication Server loss only). In this case, you are not ignoring the loss.
You must execute an ignore loss command in the following situations:
If you choose to recover the lost messages by re-creating subscriptions or replaying logs.
For an SQM loss, at the Replication Server that reported that loss, to force the Replication Server to begin accepting messages again. For example, to ignore a loss RS3 detected from DS1.PDB, enter the following command at RS3:
ignore loss from DS1.PDB to DS3.RDB
For a DSI loss, at the database on the Replication Server where the loss was detected. For example, to ignore a loss reported in DS2.RS2_RSSD from origin DS1.RS1_RSSD, enter the following command at RS2:
ignore loss from DS1.RS1_RSSD to DS2.RS2_RSSD
For both an SQM and a DSI loss that is detected by a Replication Server at the destination of the route when you rebuild two Replication Servers in succession.
In this case, you need to execute ignore loss twice, once for SQM losses and once for DSI losses. The ignore loss command that you execute to ignore DSI loss at the destination Replication Server is the same command you use to ignore SQM loss from the previous site.