Reconciling with upstream RSSDs

  1. Run rs_subcmp against the above tables, specifying site B as the replicate and site A as the primary, with prsid = 1 in the where clauses. For example, the select statement for rs_columns should look like the following:

    select * from rs_columns where prsid in
        (select source_rsid from rs_routes
            (through_rsid = 1 or through_rsid = 2)
             and dest_rsid = 2)
            and rowtype = 1
           order by objid, colname
  2. Run rs_subcmp against the above tables, specifying site B as the replicate and site C as the primary, with prsid = 3 in the where clauses. For example, the select statement for rs_columns should look like the following:

    select * from rs_columns where prsid in
          (select source_rsid from rs_routes
            (through_rsid = 3 or through_rsid = 2)
             and dest_rsid = 2)
           and rowtype = 1
          order by objid, colname