Replication Server allows you to partition transactions for each connection according to one or more of these attributes:
Origin and session ID
None, in which no partitioning rule is applied
User name
Origin begin and commit times
Transaction name
Ignore origin
If partitioning rules are to be used to improve performance,
dsi_serialization_method must
not be wait_for_commit. wait_for_commit removes
contention by reducing parallelism.
To select partition rules, use the alter connection command with the dsi_partitioning_rule option. The syntax is:
alter connection to data_server.database set dsi_partitioning_rule to ‘{ none|rule[, rule ] }’
Values for rule are user, time, origin, origin_sessid, name, and ignore_origin.For example, to partition transactions according to user name and origin begin and commit times, enter:
alter connection to TOKYO_DS.pubs2 set dsi_partitioning_rule to ‘user,time’