You need to verify that the entire replication system is working when you are about to create replication definitions or subscriptions or when you are performing diagnostics on your system. If you encounter errors, verifying your system allows you to rule out the possibility that threads or components are not running or that routes and connections are not properly set up.
To make sure that Replication Server threads are running, you can execute admin who_is_down, which displays only those threads that are not running. Alternatively, execute admin who to display information about all threads. If no threads are down, you can confirm that the replication system is working by checking the following:
Verify that replication system servers and Replication Agents are running and available.
At the primary site, log in to these servers:
Data server with the primary database and its Replication Agent
If you are using Adaptive Server, execute sp_help_rep_agent at Adaptive Server to display status information for RepAgent thread.
Replication Server managing the primary database
RSSD (and its Replication Agent) for the primary Replication Server
If you are using Adaptive Server, execute sp_help_rep_agent at Adaptive Server to display status information for RepAgent thread.
At replicate sites, log in to these servers:
Data servers with replicate databases and, if request functions are executed at these databases, their Replication Agents
If you are using Adaptive Server, execute sp_help_rep_agent at Adaptive Server to display status information for RepAgent thread.
Replication Servers managing replicate databases
RSSDs (and their Replication Agents) for replicate Replication Servers
If you are using Adaptive Server, execute sp_help_rep_agent at Adaptive Server to display status information for RepAgent thread.
Use the admin show_connections command at Replication Server to verify that these routes and connections are in place:
Routes from the primary Replication Server to each replicate Replication Server
Database connection between the primary Replication Server and the primary database
Route from a replicate Replication Server to the primary Replication Server, if the replicate Replication Server manages a replicate database in which request functions are executed
Database connections between each replicate Replication Server and its replicate database
Verify the accuracy of entries in the interfaces file.
When creating subscriptions, be sure an entry for the primary data server exists in the interfaces file for the replicate Replication Server. (If you are using atomic or non-atomic materialization, the replicate Replication Server retrieves initial rows through a direct connection to the primary data server.)
Use the admin who command to verify that these Replication Server threads are running:
Data Server Interface (DSI)
Replication Server Interface (RSI)
Distributor (DIST)
Stable Queue Manager (SQM)
Stable Queue Transaction interface (SQT)
RepAgent User
For detailed information about monitoring Replication Server threads, refer to “Displaying replication system thread status”.