Consider the following issues when you set up your warm standby application and enable replication with sp_reptostandby.
Both the active and standby databases must be managed by Adaptive Servers and must support RepAgent. Both databases must have the same disk allocations, segment names, and roles. Refer to the Adaptive Server Enterprise System Administration Guide for details.
The active database name must exist in the standby server. Otherwise, replication of commands or procedures containing the name of that database will fail.
Replication Server does not support replication of DDL commands containing local variables. You must explicitly define site-specific information for these commands.
Login information is not replicated to the standby database. Refer to “Making the server user’s IDs match” for information about adding login information to the destination Replication Server.
Some commands not copied to the standby database include:
select into
update statistics
Database or configuration options such as sp_dboption and sp_configure
“Supported DDL commands and system procedures” and list the DDL commands—Transact-SQL commands and Adaptive Server system procedures—that Replication Server reproduces at the standby database when you enable replication with sp_reptostandby. An asterisk marks those commands and stored procedures whose replication is supported for Adaptive Server 12.5 and later.