User-defined functions allow you to use Replication Server to distribute replicated stored procedures between sites in the replication system. You must create function strings for user-defined functions unless you use a function-string class that directly or indirectly inherits function strings from rs_default_function_class. User-defined functions include:
Functions that are used in replicating stored procedures associated with function replication definitions. Replication Server automatically creates a user-defined function of this type when you create a function-replication definition.
Refer to Chapter 10, “Managing Replicated Functions” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for details about function-replication definitions and replicated stored procedures.
Functions that are used in replicating stored procedures associated with table-replication definitions. You create and maintain user-defined functions of this type yourself.
For details about replicated stored procedures that use table-replication definitions, see Appendix A, “Asynchronous Procedures.”
User-defined functions have replication-definition scope. See “Function scope” for details.
Any function string that you create for a user-defined function should be created at the primary Replication Server, where the replication definition was created. If you are using function replication definitions, see also “Implementing an applied function” on page 324 or “Implementing a request function” on page 327 in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.