This chapter describes checking error logs, verifying that the components of a replication system are running, and monitoring the status of system components and processes.
The replication system includes data servers and Replication Servers. It may also include Replication Agents for heterogeneous data servers. The Replication Agent for Adaptive Server is RepAgent, an Adaptive Server thread.
If you are using a Replication Agent for a heterogeneous
data server, refer to Replication Agent documentation for your data
server for information about troubleshooting your Replication Agent.
In a fully operational replication system, all data servers, Replication Servers, Replication Agents, and their internal threads and other components are running. This chapter tells you how to perform basic troubleshooting tasks on the replication system, including:
Checking error logs for status and error messages.
Logging in to system servers and checking that all threads are functioning, routes and connections are in place, and the interfaces file information is correct.
This chapter also describes how you can monitor Replication Server and its threads and check partition threshold levels.
Refer to the Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide for detailed information about monitoring and troubleshooting Replication Server.