Using multiprocessor platforms

You can run Replication Server on symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) or single-processor platforms. Replication Server’s multithreaded architecture supports both hardware configurations. On a single processor platform, Replication Server’s threads run serially. On a multiprocessor platform, Replication Server’s threads can run in parallel, thereby improving performance and efficiency.

Replication Server is an Open Server application. Replication Server support for multiple processors is based on Open Server support for multiple processors. Both servers use the POSIX thread library on UNIX platforms and the WIN32 thread library on Windows platforms. For detailed information about Open Server support for multiple processing machines, see the Open Server Server-Library/C Reference Manual.

When Replication Server is in single-processor mode, a server-wide mutual exclusion lock (mutex) enforces serial thread execution. Serial thread execution safeguards global data, server code, and system routines, ensuring that they remain thread-safe.

When Replication Server is in multiprocessor mode, the server-wide mutex is disengaged and individual threads use a combination of thread management techniques to ensure that global data, server code, and system routines remain secure.