To enable network-based security you need:
A network-based security mechanism installed on all machines for which network security is to be enabled. The security mechanism must be supported by Replication Server.
Make sure that you use either the CyberSafe Kerberos
or Transarc DCE security mechanism. Sybase network-based security
will not run on other Kerberos or DCE security mechanisms.
Replication Server version 11.5 or later for all client and destination Replication Servers.
Adaptive Server version 12 or later and/or compatible heterogeneous data servers for all client and destination data servers.Compatible heterogeneous data servers must support the security mechanism installed on Replication Server and the set proxy concept. See the Replication Server Reference Manual for a description of this Adaptive Server command.
These restrictions apply:
Both ends of a secured pathway (client and server) must support the same security mechanism, and the security parameters must have the same feature settings. See “Maintaining network security” for more information about security settings.
User names must be unique throughout the replication system.
If your replication system supports multiple security systems, and you cannot guarantee unique user names, you may need to turn off request stored procedures to avoid a potential security breach. See “Potential security issue” for details.