Sybase Failover allows you to configure two version 12.0 or later Adaptive Servers as companions. If the primary companion fails, that server’s devices, databases, and connections can be taken over by the secondary companion.
For more detailed information about how Sybase Failover
works in Adaptive Server, refer to Using Sybase Failover
in a High Availability System, which is part of the Adaptive
Server Enterprise documentation set.
For instructions on how to enable Failover support for non-RSSD Replication Server connections to Adaptive Server, see “Configuring the replication system to support Sybase Failover” in Chapter 7, “Replication System Recovery” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2.
To enable Failover support for an RSSD connection, use either of the following methods:
Use rs_init when you install a new Replication Server.
For instructions, refer to Chapter 2, “Configuring Replication Server and Adding New Databases,” in the Replication Server Configuration Guide for your platform.
Edit the Replication Server configuration file after you have installed the Replication Server.
Use a text editor to open the Replication Server configuration file. The default file name is the Replication Server name with a “.cfg” extension.
The configuration file contains one line per entry.
Find the line “RSSD_ha_failover=no
” and
change it to:
To disable Failover support for an RSSD connection,
change the “RSSD_ha_failover=yes
” to:
These changes take affect immediately; that is, you do not have to restart Replication Server to enable Failover support.