To remove a database from the replication system, use Sybase Central or execute drop connection. Before you execute the command, drop any subscriptions for replication definitions for data in the database. If you are dropping a connection to a primary database, first drop all replication definitions for tables in the database.
drop connection removes database
connection information from the Replication Server system tables.
It does not remove replicate data from any database in the system.
To remove replicate data, use drop subscription using the with
purge option.
To drop a connection, specify the data server with the database whose connection is to be dropped. The syntax is:
drop connection to data_server.database
For example, to drop the connection to the pubs2 database in the SYDNEY_DS data server, enter:
drop connection to SYDNEY_DS.pubs2
If you are using RepAgent for log transfer, you should
also stop (if necessary) and then disable RepAgent at the primary
database. See “Disabling RepAgent” for information about disabling
For information about dropping logical connections, see “Dropping logical database connections” on page 102 in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2.