The replication status for text, unitext, image, and rawobject columns in the Adaptive Server database is carried in the data modification commands that the RepAgent sends to the Replication Server. If the status is different at the Adaptive Server than in the replication definition, problems may result:
Scenario 1: If a text, unitext, image, or rawobject column has a status of replicate_if_changed at the Adaptive Server database and always_replicate in the replication definition, Replication Server detects the inconsistency when the modification is being replicated, and RepAgent may shut down.
Scenario 2: If a text, unitext, image, or rawobject column has a status of do_not_replicate at the Adaptive Server database and the replication definition includes that column for replication, processing continues and the Replication Server sends the modifications to the replicate database without the text, unitext, image, or rawobject data. The Replication Server also issues a warning message.
The following procedures enable you to resolve inconsistencies in the replication status of text, unitext, image, and rawobject columns for the two conflict scenarios described above and to resume replication operations.