Sybase Central is a graphical management tool for Sybase products. It implements the Sybase enterprise management strategy, which calls for a single management console, seamlessly integrated, across all server and middleware products. It connects to and manages Sybase products that are running on any Sybase-supported platform.
The Replication Manager is a plug-in to Sybase Central, which allows you to develop, manage, and monitor a replication environment.
With its easy-to-use interface, Replication Manager allows you to perform many administrative tasks that you would otherwise use RCL commands to perform, including:
Creating, altering, and deleting Replication Server objects.
Managing, monitoring, and troubleshooting replication system components.
Monitoring the availability of servers and the state of connections and routes.
Generating the RCL scripts for all Replication Server objects. Providing a script editor window that allows users to submit RCL or SQL to a server.
Managing a replication domain, including configuration parameters for Replication Servers, Replication Agents, RepAgent threads , connections, and routes.
Controlling the flow of data by suspending and resuming connections and routes.
Displaying transactions in Replication Server stable queues.
Displaying transactions in Replication Server exception log and allowing the user to edit and resubmit transactions.
Managing a warm standby environment.
Sybase Central is available on Windows 2000, Windows
2003, and all UNIX platforms that Replication Server supports.