Replication Server can run on either an Adaptive Server Enterprise Replication Server System Database(RSSD) or on an Embedded RSSD (ERSSD). ERSSDs are designed for users who do not want to use Adaptive Server Enterprise to manage the Replication Server RSSD. Replication Server is easy to install and manage with ERSSD. ERSSD is automatically installed, configured, and started in the background if you specify that you want to use it. Backup procedures are automatic and preconfigured.
You cannot migrate from ERSSD to RSSD.
To use ERSSD, you must select it when you install Replication Server. For more details, see the Replication Server Installation Guide for you platform.
Sybase provides ERSSD as an option in Replication Server, implemented
in Adapted Server Anywhere. Sybase continues to support the traditional
RSSD, implemented in Adaptive Server Enterprise. All the RSSD features
discussed in this section pertain to ERSSD only; they do not affect
the behavior of the traditional RSSD in Adaptive Server Enterprise.