Illustrations in this book use icons to represent the components of a replication system.
This icon represents Replication Server, the Sybase server program that maintains replicated data on a local-area network (LAN) and processes data transactions received from other Replication Servers on the wide-area network (WAN).
This icon represents Adaptive Server, the Sybase data server. Data servers manage databases containing primary or replicated data. Replication Server also works with heterogeneous data servers, so, unless otherwise noted, this icon can represent any data server in a replication system.
Since changing the name of Sybase SQL Server® to
Adaptive Server Enterprise, Sybase may use the names Adaptive Server
and Adaptive Server Enterprise to refer collectively to all supported
versions of Sybase SQL Server and Adaptive Server Enterprise. From
this point forward, in this document, Adaptive Server Enterprise
is referred to as Adaptive Server.
This icon represents a Replication Agent, a replication system process or module that transfers transaction log information for a primary database to a Replication Server. The Replication Agent for Adaptive Server is RepAgent. Sybase provides Replication Agent products for Adaptive Server Anywhere, DB2, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle data servers.
Except for RepAgent, which is an Adaptive Server thread, all Replication Agents are separate processes. In general, this icon only appears when representing a Replication Agent that is a separate process.
This icon represents a client application. A client application is a user process or application connected to a data server. It may be a front-end application program executed by a user or a program that executes as an extension of the system.
This icon represents the Sybase Central Replication Manager plug-in (RM), a management utility that lets a replication system administrator develop, manage, and monitor a Sybase Replication Server environment.
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