This section summarizes how to replicate transaction data between a primary (source) and destination table. For more details, see “Marking tables for replication” and “Subscription example”.
At the destination data server: Create a copy of a table into which data will be replicated from the primary table. The copy may contain all or a subset of the columns from the primary table.
At the primary Replication Server: Create a replication definition to identify the table data you want to replicate. You can create one or more replication definitions per table that can be replicated into different destination databases. You can also create replication definitions for stored procedures. See Chapter 10, “Managing Replicated Functions” for details.
Once you have created a replication definition, transactions are available for replication to qualifying destination Replication Servers that subscribe to the replication definition.
You can create a set of articles that reference replication definitions and group them in a publication. If you want to limit the transactions sent to the destination database to those that affect certain rows, use a where clause in the article.
At the primary Adaptive Server: Use the sp_setreptable system procedure to mark a table as replicated.
When you mark a table as replicated in the primary data server, the Replication Agent for the primary database can forward the table’s transactions to the primary Replication Server.
If you want to replicate text, unitext, or image columns, you may also need to use the sp_setrepcol system procedure.
If you use a different data source with a Replication Agent, refer to your Replication Agent documentation for information about marking primary objects for replication.
At destination Replication Servers: Create a subscription for replication definitions that were created in primary Replication Servers. A subscription allows the destination table to receive the initial data from the primary (source) table through a process known as materialization, and to begin receiving subsequent replicated data updates.
You can create multiple subscriptions for each replication definition, but a replicate table can subscribe to only one replication definition. You can set up a subscription to receive all transactions for a destination table, or use a where clause to receive just the transactions that affect certain rows.
Create publication subscriptions for publications created at the primary Replication Server. When you do so, Replication Server creates an article subscription for each article in the publication.
Creating subscriptions completes the process of replicating data. See Chapter 11, “Managing Subscriptions” for details.