Existing Encrypted Password Migration

Newly created passwords uses the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)-certified encryption algorithm.

Use the information in the following table to migrate existing encrypted passwords in the Replication Server configuration file, rs_users and rs_maintusers tables.

Table 8-2: Commands to encrypt passwords in new algorithm



Encrypt existing user passwords to the new algorithm

alter user user set password password


  • user is the login name of the existing user

  • password is the existing password you want to encrypt using the new algorithm.

Encrypt existing database maintenance user passwords to the new algorithm

alter connection to data_server.database set password to password

where, password is the existing password you want to encrypt using the new algorithm.

Encrypt existing route user passwords to the new algorithm

alter route to dest_replication_server set password to passwd


  • dest_replication_server is the name of the destination Replication Server

  • passwd is the existing password you want to encrypt using the new algorithm.

Encrypt existing user passwords in the configuration file to the new algorithm

  • Use rs_init to encrypt the passwords using the new algorithm.