Nonatomic materialization, using the without holdlock option of the create subscription command, is the same as atomic materialization, except for the following:
The data is selected from the primary database without a holdlock. Clients at the primary site can update the data while the select operation is in process.
Transactions are always applied incrementally at the replicate database.
If the replicate minimal columns feature
is set for the replication definition, you cannot create new subscriptions
using nonatomic materialization.
In nonatomic materialization, Replication Server inserts rows into the replicate database incrementally in 10-row transactions. Clients at the replicate site that are using the table will see partial subscription data during materialization. This may invalidate some queries. Since the subscription is activated before the data is copied to the replicate database, primary table changes may be applied twice to the replicate table in some circumstances. You must enable autocorrection when you use nonatomic materialization. Autocorrection ensures that a second application of data does not result in an error. See “Using autocorrection” for details.