To set default configuration parameters for all connections originating at the source Replication Server, use the configure replication server command. Refer to Table 7-1 for a list of configuration parameters that affect connections that you can set with configure replication server.
The syntax for configure replication server is:
configure replication server set database_param to 'value'
Here is an example of using configure replication server to change the dsi_fadeout_time parameter so that the DSI connection does not close. Log in to the source Replication Server and enter:
Suspend all connections from the source Replication Server. For each connection, enter:
suspend connection to data_server.database
Execute configure replication server. Enter:
configure replication server set dsi_fadeout_time to '-1'
Resume suspended connections from the source Replication Server. For each connection, enter:
resume connection to data_server.database
Configuration changes take effect after you resume the connections.
Here is an example of using configure Replication Server to change the ha_failover parameter to enable Failover support for all non-RSSD connections from a Replication Server to Adaptive Servers.
Execute configure replication server. Log in to the Replication Server for which you want to enable Failover support and enter:
configure replication server set ha_failover to 'on'
See “Configuring the replication system to support Sybase Failover” in Chapter 7, “Replication System Recovery,”of the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2
Configuration changes take effect after you resume the connections.