Managing the RSSD

The data in each Replication Server’s RSSD is essential in keeping the replication system running.

The replication system administrator or Adaptive Server system administrator manages the RSSD by monitoring the condition of the database and performing regular dumps. In the event of disaster recovery, you need to rely on up-to-date backups of the RSSD for full system recovery. Therefore, it is critical that you perform periodic backups of the replication system.

It is also important to back up the RSSD after performing tasks that change its state, such as adding routes, replication definitions, and subscriptions, or altering function strings for databases to which you are connected.

The system tables are loaded into the RSSD during Replication Server installation. You can query the system tables to find the status of the system, but in general, you should not make changes to the tables directly. Refer to the Replication Server Reference Manual for detailed descriptions of the system tables.