To prepare non-Sybase databases for replication, use
instructions in your Sybase Replication Agent documentation, the Replication
Server Configuration Guide for your platform, and the Replication
Server Design Guide to perform these steps.
To prepare Adaptive Server databases for replication, use Sybase Central or rs_init to perform these steps:
Create the rs_lastcommit system table.
Load the rs_update_lastcommit and rs_get_lastcommit stored procedures (for both primary and replicate databases) and the rs_marker stored procedure (for primary databases only).
Create the rs_threads system table.
Load the rs_initialize_threads and rs_update_threads stored procedures for the database.
Create the maintenance user login name and verifies that the maintenance user can log in to the database. For details, see “Managing maintenance user login names”.
Create a connection from Replication Server to the database, allowing Replication Server to manage the database.
If the database has primary data, Sybase Central or rs_init:
Enables RepAgent at the Adaptive Server.
Enables and configures RepAgent at the database.
Sets the secondary truncation point to “valid” in the Adaptive Server database, preventing Adaptive Server from truncating database log records before RepAgent has read them.
Creates the RepAgent user name and password in the Replication Server, if necessary.
Starts RepAgent.
Refer to the Replication Server installation and configuration guides for your platform for details on each step.