You cannot change the declared column datatype (the datatype in the primary table) if it is used in a subscription or article where clause.
You cannot change the rs_address datatype.
You can change the column datatype to text, unitext, image, rawobject, or rawobject in row only if it is not a primary key or searchable column.
To change the published (replicate) datatype, you must include the declared (primary) datatype of a column (whether it is being changed or not) and the [map to] clause.
Altering a column’s datatype and nullability affects the same column across all replication definitions for a table.However, changes between a rawobject or rawobject in row and its base datatype, affects only the current replication definition. See “Translating datatypes using HDS” for more information about HDS.
Use column nullability changes for text, unitext, image, and rawobject columns only.