You create subscriptions for table replication definitions in the normal manner when class-level or column-level translations are defined and active. However, certain restrictions apply to use of the where clause.
Subscriptions that specify columns subject to class- and column-level translations in the where clause cannot be dematerialized automatically. You must use the bulk or no-materialization method.
Take care creating or defining subscriptions that specify class- or column-level translations in the where clause. Make sure that the value in the where clause comparison is in the declared datatype format. HDS translations take place after the subscription is presented.
For example, if searchable column starttime is declared as datetime but published as rs_db2_time, then the comparison value in the where clause must be described using datetime format.
create subscription db2_time_sub for table_rep_def XXXXX with primary at AAAAA with replicate at BBBBB where starttime > ’19000101 23:14:02’
and not “where starttime > ’23:14:02,’
” which
is rs_db2_time format.
For a detailed discussion of heterogeneous datatype translations, see Chapter 9, “Managing Replicated Tables”.