Syntax conventions

Syntax formatting conventions are summarized in the following table. Examples combining these elements follow.

Table 1: Syntax formatting conventions



{ }

Curly braces mean you must choose at least one of the enclosed options. Do not include braces in the command.

[ ]

Brackets mean you may choose or omit enclosed options. Do not include brackets in the command.


Vertical bars mean you may choose no more than one option (enclosed in braces or brackets).


Commas mean you may choose as many options as you need (enclosed in braces or brackets). Separate your choices with commas, to be typed as part of the command.

Commas may also be required in other syntax contexts.

( )

Parentheses are to be typed as part of the command.


An ellipsis (three dots) means you may repeat the last unit as many times as you need. Do not include ellipses in the command.

Obligatory choices

Optional choices

Repeating elements

An ellipsis (...) means that you may repeat the last unit as many times as necessary. For the alter replication definition command, for example, you can list one or more columns and their datatypes for the add clause or the add searchable columns clause:

alter replication definition replication_definition
{add column datatype [, column datatype]... |
 add searchable columns column [, column]... |
 replicate {minimal | all} columns}

RCL command formatting

RCL commands are similar to Transact-SQL® commands. The following sections present the formatting rules.

Command format and command batches

Case sensitivity


Identifiers are names you give to servers, databases, variables, parameters, database objects, and replication objects. Database object names include names for tables, columns, and views. Replication object names include names for replication definitions, subscriptions, functions, and publications.

Parameters in function strings

Parameters in function strings have the same rules as identifiers, except that: