Displays information about databases with subscriptions for replication definitions in the current Replication Server.
rs_helprepdb [data_server, database]
The data server with the database whose information you want to display.
The database whose information you want to display.
Displays information about all databases with subscriptions for replication definitions in the current Replication Server.
dsname dbname dbid controlling_prs ----------------- -------------- ----------- ---------------- SYDNEY_DS SYDNEY_RSSD 102 SYNDEY_RS
Displays information about the specified data server and database.
rs_helprepdb SYDNEY_DS, pubs2
dsname dbname dbid controlling_prs ----------------- -------------- ----------- ---------------- SYDNEY_DS pubs2 104 SYDNEY_RS
Execute rs_helprepdb in the RSSD for the primary Replication Server.
Unless you specify data_server and database parameters, rs_helprepdb lists all databases with subscriptions for any of the Replication Server’s replication definitions. The database ID and managing Replication Server display for each data server and database.
If you supply the data_server and database parameters, rs_helprepdb displays information about the specified database only.