Changes the database context in a data server.
Changes an existing rs_usedb function string to one that is similar to the default function string generated by Replication Server for the system-provided function-string classes.
alter function string rs_usedb for sqlserver_derived_class output language 'use ?rs_destination_db!sys_raw?'
Creates an rs_usedb function string with an empty string for an output template for a data server that does not support multiple databases.
create function string rs_usedb for TOKYO_DS output language ''
The Replication Server DSI executes the function when it first connects to the data server.
rs_usedb has function-string class scope.
Replication Server creates an initial rs_usedb function string for the system-provided function-string classes during installation.
If you use a user-created base function-string class, create a function string for the rs_usedb function.
Create or customize an rs_usedb function string at the Replication Server that is the primary site for the class.
The default generated function string for the rs_usedb function, for the rs_sqlserver_function_class and rs_default_function_class classes, has the syntax of the Transact-SQL use command.
If a data server does not support multiple databases or a database context, the output template can be an empty string (' ').