sysadmin dump_queue


Dumps the contents of a Replication Server stable queue.


sysadmin dump_queue, q_number, q_type,
 seg, blk, cnt [, RSSD | client]


q_number, q_type

Identifies the stable queue to dump. Find these values using admin who or admin who, sqm.


Identifies the starting segment.


Identifies the 16K block in the segment where the dump is to begin. Block numbering starts at 1 and ends at 64.

sysadmin dump_queue recognizes four special settings for seg and blk:


Specifies the number of blocks to dump. This number can span multiple segments. If cnt is set to -1, the end of the current segment is the last block dumped. If it is set to -2, the end of the queue is the last block dumped.


Optional flag that forces the output to system tables in the RSSD.


Optional flag that forces the output to the client that is issuing this command.


Example 1

Acting on queue 103:1, dumps blocks 15–64 of segment 0 and blocks 1–15 of segment 1 into the Replication Server log:

sysadmin dump_queue, 103, 1, 0, 15, 65

Example 2

Dumps all of queue 103:1 into the Replication Server log:

sysadmin dump_queue, 103, 1, -1, 1, -2

Example 3

Dumps all of queue 103:1 into the RSSD:

sysadmin dump_queue, 103, 1, -1, 1, -2, RSSD

Example 4

Dumps all of queue 103:1 to the client:

sysadmin dump_queue, 103, 1, -1, 1, -2, client

Example 5

This series of commands dumps all of queue 103:1 into a file named SYDNEY_RS.log. The last sysadmin dump_file command closes the SYDNEY_RS.log file. Any subsequent dumps are directed to the Replication Server log:

sysadmin dump_file, SYDNEY_RS.log
 sysadmin dump_queue, 103, 1, -1, 1, -2
 sysadmin dump_file


Dumping to the RSSD

Dumping to the client


sysadmin dump_queue requires “sa” permission.

See also

admin who, rs_queuemsg, rs_queuemsgtxt, sysadmin dump_file