Drops an error class and any actions associated with it.
drop error class error_class
The name of the error class to drop.
Drops the pubs2_db_err_class error class from the Replication Server. Also drops any error actions that were assigned for the pubs2_db_err_class error class:
drop error class pubs2_db_err_class
Use the drop error class command to remove an error class. When an error class is dropped, all actions assigned for it are also dropped.
You execute drop error class at the Replication Server where the error class was created.
You cannot drop:
The rs_sqlserver_error_class error class.
An error class that is in use with a database
To change the primary site for an error class, use the move primary of error class command.
Replication Server distributes information about the dropped class to qualifying sites through the replication system. The changes do not appear immediately at all such sites because of normal replication system latency.
drop error class requires “sa” permission.
assign action, create connection, create error class, drop connection, move primary