Displays information about publication subscriptions and article subscriptions.
rs_helppubsub subscription_name, publication_name, primary_dataserver, primary_db, replicate_dataserver, replicate_db
Lists all publication subscriptions known at this site:
Subscription Name Publication Name ------------------ ---------------- funcsub1 funcpub Primary DS.DB Replicate DS.DB PRS Status RRS Status -------------- --------------- ---------- ---------- P_DS.pdb1 R_DS.rdb1 Unknown Valid Owner Request Date ------ ------------------- sa Mar 24 1998 11:12AM Subscription Name Article Name ------------------ ------------- funcsub1 authors Replication Definition PRS Status RRS Status ---------------------- ---------- ---------- authors Unknown Valid Request Date Autocorrection -------------------- -------------- Mar 24 1998 11:11AM off (return status = 0)
Lists all publication subscriptions named sub.
rs_helppubsub sub
Lists all publication subscriptions named sub for publications named pub.
rs_helppubsub sub, pub
Lists all subscriptions named sub for the specified publication.
rs_helppubsub sub, pub, primary_dataserver, primary_db
Lists the publication subscription and the article subscriptions in the group.
rs_helppubsub sub, pub, primary_dataserver, primary_db, replicate_dataserver, replicate_db
Subscription Name Publication Name Primary DS.DB ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- sub pub ost_cardhu_2.pdb1 Replicate DS.DB PRS Status RRS Status Owner ----------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ost_cardhu_2.rdb1 Unknown Valid rdb1_owner Request Date Subscription Name Article Name ---------------- ----------------- ------------ February 25 1998 sub article1 article2 sub article3 sub article4 sub article5 PRS Status RRS Status Request Date Replication Definition ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------------- Unknown VALID Feb 25, 1998 repdef1 repdef2 Unknown VALID Feb 25, 1998 repdef3 Unknown VALID Feb 25, 1998 repdef4 Unknown VALID Feb 25, 1998 repdef5 Autocorrection Subscribe to Truncate Table -------------- --------------------------- on off off on off off off off
rs_helppub Use to determine all subscriptions for an article or a publication.
Use check_subscription to get the most accurate report of subscription status.