Displays information about database replication definitions associated with the current Replication Server.
rs_helpdbrep [ db_repdef[, data_server[, database ] ] ]
Specifies the name of the database replication definition.
Specifies the name of the data server whose database replication definition you want to display.
Specifies the name of the database whose database replication definition you want to display.
In this example, Adaptive Server displays the information of all the database replication definitions found in the current Replication Server:
DB Rep.Def.Name Primary DS.DB Primary RS Rep.DDL Rep.Sys. Rep.Tab Rep.Func. --------------- ------------ --------- ------- ------- ------- -------- db_rep1 PDS.pdb1 PRS Yes Out-List All All db_rep2 PDS.pdb2 PRS Yes Out-List All All Rep.Tran. Creation Date --------- ----------------- All May 1 2003 10:58AM All May 17 2003 11:16AM
In this example, Adaptive Server displays information about a single database replication definition, db_rep1.
rs_helpdbrep db_rep1
DB Rep.Def.Name Primary DS.DB Primary RS Rep.DDL Rep.Sys. Rep.Tab Rep.Func. --------------- ------------ --------- ------- ------- ------- -------- db_rep1 PDS.pdb1 PRS Yes Out-List All All Rep.Tran. Creation Date --------- ------------------ All May 1 2003 10:58AM Rep.Type Owner Name ------------ -------- ------------- Not Rep.Sys. . sp_setrepproc DBRep.Def.Name DBSub.Name ReplicationDS.DB ReplicateRS Creation Date -------------- ---------- ---------------- ----------- ------------------ db_rep1 db_sub1 RDS1.rdb1 RRS1 May 1 2003 10:58AM db_rep1 db_sub2 RDS2.rdb2 RRS2 May 1 2003 10:59AM
Adaptive Server only displays detail information about named database replication definitions.
The parameters can contain the wild card ‘%’. This wild card represents any string. For example, if a string ‘abc%’ is assigned to db_repdef, rs_helpdbrep will list all database replication definition that have a database replication definition name prefixed with ‘abc’.