Invokes the replicate database stored procedure rs_ticket_report.
A sample of the customized rs_ticket_report:
Create procedure rs_ticket_report @rs_ticket_param varchar(225) Begin set nocount on declare @t_new varchar(225), @c_time datetime -- For a string: “@rs_ticket_param;RDB(name)=hh:mm:ss.ddd” select @c_time = getdate() select @t_new = @rs_ticket_param + “;RDB(“ + db_name() + “)=“ + convert(varchar(8), @c_time, 8) + “.” + right(“00” + convert(varchar(3), datepart(ms, @c_time)), 3) insert rs_ticket_history values (@c_time, @t_new) end
rs_ticket_report has function-string class scope.
rs_ticket_report has one parameter called rs_ticket_param, which contains timestamp and byte information for EXEC, DIST, and DSI transactions.
To use the rs_ticket_report function string, set the connection configuration parameter dsi_rs_ticket_report to on.
By default, the rs_ticket_report function string invokes the replicate database stored procedure rs_ticket_report. You can customize and use this stored procedure to alter rs_ticket_report function string to invoke different stored procedures.
rs_ticket, rs_ticket_report stored procedure