You can nest subqueries in update, delete, and insert statements as well as in select statements.
Running the sample queries in this section changes the pubs2 database. Ask a System Administrator to help you get a clean copy of the sample database.
The following query doubles the price of all books published by New Age Books. The statement updates the titles table; its subquery references the publishers table.
update titles set price = price * 2 where pub_id in (select pub_id from publishers where pub_name = "New Age Books")
An equivalent update statement using a join is:
update titles set price = price * 2 from titles, publishers where titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id and pub_name = "New Age Books"
You can remove all records of sales of business books with this nested select statement:
delete salesdetail where title_id in (select title_id from titles where type = "business")
An equivalent delete statement using a join is:
delete salesdetail from salesdetail, titles where salesdetail.title_id = titles.title_id and type = "business"