The log on clause

Unless you are creating very small, noncritical databases, always use the log on database_device extension to create database. This places the transaction logs on a separate database device. There are several reasons for placing the logs on a separate device:

Additional reasons for placing the log on a separate physical device from the data tables are:

The following command places the log for newpubs on the logical device pubslog, with a size of 1MB:

create database newpubs 
on pubsdata = 3, newdata = 2 
log on pubslog = 1 

NoteWhen you use the log on extension, you are placing the database transaction log on a segment named “logsegment”. To add more space for an existing log, use alter database and, in some cases, sp_extendsegment. See the Reference Manual or the System Administration Guide for details.

The size of the device required for the transaction log varies according to the amount of update activity and the frequency of transaction log dumps. As a rule of thumb, allocate to the log between 10 and 25 percent of the space you allocate to the database.