You can create error messages and bind them to constraints by creating messages with sp_addmessage and binding them to constraints with sp_bindmsg.
For example:
sp_addmessage 25001, "The publisher ID must be 1389, 0736, or 0877"
sp_bindmsg my_chk_constraint, 25001
insert my_publishers values ("0000", "Reject This Publisher")
Msg 25001, Level 16, State 1: Server ‘snipe’, Line 1: The publisher ID must be 1389, 0736, or 0877 Command has been aborted.
To change the message for a constraint, bind a new message. The new message replaces the old message.
Unbind messages from constraints using sp_unbindmsg; drop user-defined messages using sp_dropmessage.
For example:
sp_unbindmsg my_chk_constraint
sp_dropmessage 25001
To change the text of a message but keep the same error number, unbind it, drop it with sp_dropmessage, add it again with sp_addmessage, and bind it with sp_bindmsg.